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In all cases the safety and health of you/your dog are paramount. If you/your dog are not usually active, it is advised that you/your dog should be checked out by a doctor/veterinarian before running.

Control of Dogs:

The rightful owner of a dog is the person named as such in the dog’s vaccination book and/or official paperwork. The rightful owner must ensure that the animal is owned (cared for) in accordance with the Law. Dogs must be kept on a lead AT ALL TIMES whilst at the event UNLESS to do so would present a danger for the dog, the owner, or others. Any fouling must be cleared away and disposed of responsibly. Competitors should not race dogs that are nervous of humans, as this can cause undue stress to these dogs. It is strongly recommended that dogs receive a vet health check before competing at any event. Any dog(s) deemed unfit to race by the Race Director must be withdrawn from competition.

For Canicross all dogs must be over 12 months of age on the day of racing and for bitches in season: If you have a bitch in season, please advise the Race Director before the race start. No pregnant or nursing bitches are allowed to compete.


CANICROSS: Competitors must wear a canicross waist belt, their dog a suitable harness and use a bungee Line with built-in shock absorption, which allows greater comfort for your dog and hands-free running for you. The following items are NOT allowed: Choke chains or any collar that constricts your dog’s throat, electric shock collars halties muzzles (other than racing greyhound type muzzle) flexi leads.

Your line / lead must not have a metal snap or loop on the handle. Lines /leads should be no longer than 2–2.5meters (6–8 feet). If your equipment does not meet these rules, you may be turned away from the start line “Springer”. The use of personal stereos, MP3 players or any electronic device with Headphones etc. that impairs the ability to hear marshals or other competitors is strictly Forbidden. Anyone using such a device will be asked to refrain immediately or be disqualified. In all circumstances, the following are strictly prohibited: the use of a choke collar and a pinch collar, flexi leads and any device that could injure or frighten dogs.

Race Rules:

Competitors must do their utmost to ensure that their dogs do not interfere with other competitors or dogs. If a race marshal determines that a competitor’s conduct at any time in the race area or on the trail is detrimental to the sport/race, that competitor shall be disqualified. This includes prior to, during, and after the event. Abuse of dogs, both physical and verbal is prohibited. If a competitor, in the opinion of a race marshal abuses a dog, that competitor will be disqualified. Any form of abuse of marshals will result in automatic disqualification. If a dog becomes unfit or refuses to advance for any reason, the competitor is not permitted to finish the race. They must remain where they are and wait to be picked up by the event sweeper and advise a marshal as soon as possible if the dog is in need of urgent attention. It is deemed acceptable for your dog to be behind on downhill or on technical sections of a route. When overtaking, the advancing competitor must shout, “coming through on left/right” to warn the competitor in front of their intentions. The competitor who is being overtaken must assume responsibility to ensure that their dogs are to one side of the track and do not Interfere with the competitor going past. It is recommended that competitors who have dogs who are worried by other canines should allow plenty of space for their dogs, especially at the start of the race, to alleviate any undue stress. All competitors should always show their fellow competitors and their dogs respect and should not use the misfortune of another to unfairly gain an advantage. Additionally, if a runner or a dog is in distress, ALL competitors have a duty to assist if reasonably and safely able to do so. The use of personal stereos, MP3 players or any electronic device with headphones etc that Impairs the ability to hear marshals or other runners is strictly forbidden. Anyone using such A device will be asked to refrain immediately or be disqualified. Please show respect to all other trail users. Your actions should not make other trail users Feel uncomfortable or intimidated in any way. Always give right of way. Conflicts may jeopardise our future use of venues.


Richard Robbins - 07786 966200

Graham Ascott - 07970 730790

Beth Ascott-Robbins - 07971 882876

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